Tyler Tanner
Skipper:  Tyler Tanner
Overall management, direction and decision-making. Approves all purchases and expenditures. Approves all functional changes for the Club. Responsible for the execution of legal and/or financial documents. Has signature authority on all accounts.

Ben Dowers
First Mate: Benjamin Dowers 
Approves all membership applications with Skipper and Membership Committee. Maintains all membership records. Works with Purser to finalize annual renewals. Assumes Skipper responsibilities should the Skipper not be able to do so.

Tom Worthington 
Treasury/money management. Collects money from members for lunches, events and annual dues. Manages checking account and pays for all services offered to the club. Assists the Skipper in the execution of financial documents. Has signature authority on checking accounts.

Yeoman: Charly Zubizarreta 
Produces and mails the newsletter each month which includes announcements for all club events including the monthly member meetings, sponsored events, annual events, member & guest profiles and other club news.

Program Chair: Tony Gandolf 
Organizes the speakers for all the monthly meetings. Introduces the speaker during the meeting and handles the storage and purchase of speaker gifts.




Bos’n: Jo Stanley 
Send announcements for all events including lunches and annual events, coordinates RSVP responses. Coordinates with meeting locations regarding attendance and menus.

Activities Chair: Roy Scott 
Responsible for organizing all the special events for the Club and coordinating RSVP responses. This Chairperson coordinates with the Bos’n to communicate with Club members.

Historian: Katherine Kaplan
Responsible for maintaining all the club photos for the year and posting them on the web site.


Past Skippers

1989    David Allen
1990    Keith Kinley
1991    Joyce Gillis
1992    Art Campbell, CPCU, ARM, AMIM
1993    Bob Depres
1994    Allan Baum
1995    Tom Mittelhauser
1996    Eunice Lyons
1997    Shary Patton
1998    Robin Blose
1999    Tom Correll
2000    Craig Kartiganer, Esq.
2001    James Gallaudet
2002    Andrew Anderson
2003    Lori Sousa
2004    Tom Gleason
2005    Henry Gould
2006    David Gambach, Esq.
2007    Kitty McGowan 
2008    Nancy Chambers   
2009    Laura Sherrod
2010    Dick Basom
2011    Tina Cardone
2012    Captain Christopher Karentz
2013    Matthew Valcourt
2014    Charles Davant, Esq.
2015    Kristene Lundblad
2016    Bryan Emond, PE, CMI
2017    Michelle Otero Valdés, B.C.S.
2018    Arlene Weicher
2019    Jonathan Dunleavy, Esq.
2020    Hector Ramirez, Esq.
2021    Thomas R. Nolan, SAMS-AMS, M.S.E.E.
2022    Raúl J. Chacón Jr.
2023    Jonathan Hernandez, Esq
2024    Eftihios “Evan” Andronis